Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Does bleaching your teeth remove......?

plaque...or some it just remove stains...i know it might seem like a dumb question...but i have been bleaching my teeth and they seem to only get whiter in some area's not evenly white...and it has been a while since ive been for a cleaning...so i was just curious of bleach cant remove plaque...ya dont tell me you should go for a cleaning every 6 months...i already know...LOL...i just have so many appointments it gets hard...

sorry for all the typo's...i have like 5 people talking to me on aim...LOL

Does bleaching your teeth remove......?
It's not really that getting them cleaned will make your teeth white but it might make it easier for you to bleech them. What kind of bleech are you using on your teeth? What brand? There was a type of bleech I used for the first time after I got my braces off. They were fantastic! I think they were Winterfresh strips of bleech or something like that. Well a year later I wanted them even whiter so I tried another brand it was cheaper..I think equate...yeah and they sucked! lol they did the same thing that your teeth are experiencing..so it might be the brand you are using...not your teeth. Let me know what you are using and maybe I could help answer your question better? =]
Reply:Nope, it doesn't. Plaque build-up can only be removed by scraping.
Reply:Bleaching does not remove plaque. You may need your teeth cleaned or you may have stains inside your teeth that are deeper than the bleach can work.
Reply:no it can't plaqe can not be be removed by that only from scraping

also it is not just about bleaching ur teeth u have to brush them like every tome u eat and u have to floss and take really good care of them

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