Monday, November 16, 2009

Bleaching unwanted hair???

You know how if you pluck or shave unwanted hair it makes the hair grow darker when it grows back in. Is this the way it works with bleaching hair. And when you bleach unwanted hair does it make the hair white so it like stands out really noticebly and is it really common for you to get irritated skin when you bleach???

Bleaching unwanted hair???
It is a wive's tail that the hair grows back thicker.

In fact, when you pluck hair you can eventually harm the cuticle which can eventually make the hair not grow back at all.

Definitely pluck/wax instead of bleaching if you can. It looks much better.
Reply:First place, hair does NOT grow back darker and thicker. This is an "old wives tale."

Second, bleaching hair may cause damage to skin.

So, why color unwanted hair when you can just shave it off?
Reply:Bleaching can make your hair blonde. It depends on how long you leave it on. Yes it can irritate your skin so test a little bit on your arm. Sally Jensen makes great bleaching cremes. Don't use real bleach!
Reply:ok where is this hair at????
Reply:A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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