Friday, November 13, 2009

How do doctors bleach your skin?

Im going to a dermetologist and want to know if any doctor could bleach my skin and make me lighter like rihanna or beyonce an adult that im friends with told me that the doctors would prescribe you a pill but it would cost a lot is that true? i used 2 think that they wud poor bleach on yo skin or you would have to sit in a tub full of bleach or sumthing. lol but how exactly do doctor's bleach your skin?

How do doctors bleach your skin?
y dont u appreciate ur regular skin tone and love the skin ur in god made u that way for a reason
Reply:doctors can bleach your skin..but it wont go as far as looking three sades lighter..maybe the pill is used to reduce the amount of pigmant that ur body naturally produces...not to be totally nasty but i saw whrere a girl bleached her butt hole for a porno it does work..
Reply:that is ridiculous, I have never heard of such a process, although i have seen people with blochy skin tones, like white splashes on their skins even though they are black. You really shouldn't, do you know how bad it will be? What if the doctor screws up, besides changing your skin color would part you from your family, wouldn't it?
Reply:doctors use a more potent formula for skin lightening products and thus cost more expensive because of private labeling.. here's a good source for safe AND potent skin lighteners used by dermatologists which i've used for quite a while with great results -

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